The Importance Of Having Good Credit

It's All About Him

A good friend of mine and me were talking about good credit and bad credit, and his thoughts on bad credit shocked me. He confided in me that he had terrible credit and he could not see paying some-one to fix his credit, his exact mindset was echoed in these words he shared with me. ” The good thing is that they can not lock you up for having bad credit”. As I work in credit repair I think back on what he said, and yes he is right they can not lock you up, however with all that being said repairing your credit is extremely important.

Once my friend found out that I worked in credit repair he asked me how much it would cost him to get his credit repaired. When I explained to him the cost and the work, he like a lot of people said it is too expensive…

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Focusing Your Social Media

John Ploetz Bloggin

How do you use social media for marketing?  Do you use it like a shot gun or do you use it with the precision of a surgeon crafting out your plan for its use very carefully.  I like to think that it is somewhere in between.  The following areas are what I look for in using social media for marketing:

  1. Choose your social media wisely to access your audience.  The playing field is continually changing.   Younger audiences are moving more towards twitter and tumblr, and away from Facebook.  Now the latest info out says Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform.
  2. Stay organized in using your social media.  Use software like Hootsuite to manage your different social media.  But, make sure you individualize your message to get the most out of each type of media you use.  Compare the top 10 management tools at
  3. Make sure…

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How Four Hours a Week Can Equal More Money for Entrepreneurs


Many new entrepreneurs wonder exactly how much marketing they should do for their business. There is no hard and fast rule about how much marketing you should be doing for your business, but simply put, the more you do, the more money you will make.

 Recently I read a report on freelance salaries and how much marketing freelancers did in order to make $70+ per hour. The report by Ed Gandia, The 2012 Freelance Industry Report, showed those who marketed at least 4 hours per week made the most money. You may be wondering why I’m speaking to you about a freelancer’s report and trying to figure out how it pertains to you. You, as a nurse entrepreneur, are pretty much considered a freelancer because you don’t work for anyone else but yourself.  

Do you know what else the report said increased the hourly rate of the surveyed…

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